Most everything you do involves some risk, from talking to the good-looking stranger at the bus stop to deciding between two equally challenging and high-paying job offers. OK, so we admit we have never actually secured a date with anyone who is remotely good looking, and the thought of two prospective employers fighting over our skills makes us hysterical with laughter. But you get the picture. Risk is just a part of life. And somehow, most of us are able to avoid disaster most of the time. Except for that one time when we ended up being stalked by a good-looking stranger we met at the bus stop.
Some people are afraid of risk and structure their lives so as to avoid it at all costs. Others insist on taking every bungee jump that life has to offer. Still others are somewhere in the middle, with white knuckles but a smile on their face. No matter which category you fall into, you probably know people in the other two and you shake your head wondering how they get through life.
Where your money is concerned, you don't want to take too many risks. Or do you? Does the chance of doubling your money in a short period of time outweigh the anxiety you feel when considering a future with empty pockets? And, is personal finance so absolute? Absolutely not!